
For Ambitious MompreneursSolopreneurs, and Multi-Passionate Moms..


Overcome Mom overwhelm, Structure, Automate, and Double Your 6-Figure Earnings in Just 90 Days.

Less Stress. More Earnings. More Family Time.


Bold statement for bold action takers

Look, I know I'm making a bold claim here

How can I possibly help you double your earnings and still overcome mom overwhelm at the same time?

It sounds too good to be true.

But it really is simple…

Regain More Time and Attention Currency

Automate Systems

More Income, More Family Time.

That’s the formula. 

Where people get stuck is knowing how, especially in a world where everyone is shouting, “women can have it all” but no one is showing how.

Wake up super early.

Get the kids ready for school.

Head to your place of business and work like a slave.

Cook for the family

Attend PTAs.

And still be a sexy AND supportive wife so that your husband will not stray.

stressed woman

It seems like the work is never-ending and your 24 hours is not enough to keep up with your current duties let alone think of implementing your ideas for expansion…

Does anyone else have an extra 24 hours to loan you?

I get it. I was in the same boat as you. I love to build businesses but they can be more demanding than new-born babies.

So I'd leave the house early, come back late until my children barely knew me. 

But that was before I found a way to earn more while working less…

I created structures for automating my businesses using a productivity formula that I tweaked to work specifically for my family dynamics (I have a husband and 5 kids). 

‍This allowed me to make more money from my business but still have enough time and energy for my family. 

It freed up my time and gave me opportunities I never thought possible.

I could go on vacation without having to show up in my business 24/7.

My only regret is that I wish I had learned this sooner so I could spend more time with my mom before she passed. 

I could finally live my life how I wanted.

And I’ve helped my clients do the same– in 90 days. 

Yes, you can double your earnings and have time to spare.

It's called!

Double Impact Mom

A coaching experience that gives you the tools, systems, and support to Balance, Automate and Double your earnings and family time in the next 90 days.

Big claim, sure wins

Here are the 5-steps that have allowed my clients to 2x their income and family time:

E.L.E.V.A.T.E Strategy Sessions (Entrepreneurial & Life Enhancement Via Aligned Time & Energy)

One-on-one Mentorship Calls

Clarity sessions where we discuss and find solutions that will fit your specific context.

  • Your number of Kids
  • Type of Business(es)
  • Schedule & Responsibilities
  • Unroot deep-seated beliefs


Master your productivity

  • A custom productivity guide based on clarity gained during the E.L.E.V.A.T.E. It breaks down how to effectively manage your time as a mom in business.

  • A toolkit containing all the productivity tools I have used for myself and other moms like you to ensure that we squeeze the most out of our 24 hours without getting overwhelmed.


Clone yourself And Take Time Off

  • An automation framework that contains Systems and Structures guaranteed to make your business run smoothly without you and still earn double


Earn More and spend less time working

  • How to double your earnings in 90 days without expending more time.


Don't Attempt it Alone

Join a close-knit community of other moms like you featuring -

  • Retreats (to prevent burnout)
  • Mastermind Sessions
  • Intimacy and vulnerability
  • Support.

If I can do it, so can you:

Let's figure your point of equilibrium


My promise to you is to not only teach you my proven framework but to…help you double your earnings and still have more than enough time for family.

Steps to doubling your earnings without mom overwhelm

Choose the DOUBLE IMPACT MOM option that best fits your goals

We will get on a 30 min Client Suitability Call if you qualify.

Pay the invoice and be on your way to onboarding!

Choose how your journey will look like for the

next 90 days


For mom's + business owner's wanting support AND community

Six months access to the DIM curriculum

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Three 1:1 Coaching Sessions

1 Systems Assessment Call

Tools, Blueprints & Templates

Community Events


*ongoing enrollment with limited spots

For mom's + business owner wanting 1:1 support & is ready to fast track their results:

Six months access to the DIM curriculum

Weekly 1:1 Private Coaching Sessions

1 Systems Assessment Call

Tools, Blueprints & Templates

Private Whatsapp Coaching (Monday-Friday)

Here’s my guarantee to you!

I am 100% committed to helping you harmonize and integrate your home life and double your income in the next 90 days!

I’ve worked closely with business women with kids 

to help them build a sustainable business that creates more time, money, and impact!

At this moment you may be uncertain if it’ll work for you. To ease your mind, I am prepared to guarantee these results:

If you implement everything I teach to a T and don’t see a return on your investment within 90 days, I will work with you for free until you do.

Simple as that.

You either make your money back or I coach you until you do.

You have nothing to lose!

You’re ready for DOUBLE IMPACT MOM if

You already have a business that is making at least 6 figures in revenue.

You have children, especially younger than teenagers

You are fed up with juggling business and home life unsuccessfully and are prepared to do the work and move past any discomfort/ challenges. I will give you support and guidance, but you have to attend the coaching sessions, ask questions, and implement the strategies.


Can you really promise my results?

You have to be willing to do the work. I will give you the resources and support that you need to succeed, but YOU need to actually do the work.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

My promise to you is that if you implement everything I teach and do not make back your ROI in 90 days, I will coach you for free until you do! So, you have nothing to lose.

How much time do I need to dedicate to DOUBLE IMPACT MOM?

The weekly coaching calls will be recorded and ready for you to watch on our portal. But I recommend watching and implementing right away so you don’t get behind and lose momentum!

What if I can’t make it live to the coaching calls?

You need to dedicate about 2-3 hours a week to get through the curriculum and set aside time for any group coaching calls that week. Remember coaching calls are weekly and recorded if you cannot make it!

How long do I have access to DOUBLE IMPACT MOM?

You have access to the program for 120 days (6 months)! The program will run for 3 months and you will have three extra months to catch up because we understand that being a mom comes with a lot of unexpected twists and turns. DOUBLE IMPACT MOM is designed this way to motivate you to take action and get results while creating room for the next level.

Are there payment plans available?

Yes, yes, and yes! I want to make this program available to people who want it and that's why there are 2 payment options! You can pay in full, or in 3 months

2024 © Kemi Osinibi .